Friday, June 02, 2006

First year of togetherness....

I think we'll come across peak period in life, which are indelible, may be the happiest or the sadest. I have crossed one of such ultimate time in my life today. Its an year after wedding....!

Come on... Won't feel like .... at all...!

New life, new dreams, new aims, new place, ... everything's new...! already an year old... so soon...!? Everything's still fresh...! Each thing around me smells so fresh and new, just like a blossoming bud.....!

Few days were fascinating and few were dry...
He made me laugh and he made me cry...
A little bit of anger and then a pleasing smile...
Made the journey of an year as a single mile...
Sometime the turn-offs and lots of wow...
Days ran fast... Don't know how..?

Its an year... and was awesome...
Making a wish... Similar/more exciting ones are lot more to come...!


Sandeepa said...

Many many happy returns of the (day before yester)day.. :)

Anveshi said...


Enigma said...

bariyodu yaake bitri ? bariri